This feels like a painstakingly historically accurate recreation of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor - keeping in mind, of course, that history is told from the viewpoint of the winner... This movie explores all of the power players of the day, giving at least some insight into the thinking behind why the attack was made, how it was crafted, and the gambles that all sides made leading up to it. I found that kind of faithful detail very interesting.
That having been said, the personalities involved are really more caricatures than fully developed roles. We don't really get to know anyone, and you won't feel like you've gained any keen tactical insight. It's a 'gut check' movie, which is fine. And hey, despite the age of this one, it's still a very interesting watch.
Movie to Skip: Grizzly Park

Why would a serial killer on the run dress up like a corrections officer and then pretend to be that correction officer... going about the duties of the dead man, rather than just running away? The premise of this movie makes absolutely no sense. Ok, sure, he's a serial killer, which means he probably has a few screws loose. But I just don't get this guy's motivation at all. That is not a good way to hook a viewer into your movie...
Funnily, this is the best looking community service crew I've ever seen. Typically when you think of a community service crew, you usually think of a group that looks much more strung out than these folks. Community service Beverly Hills? Nah - too many non-white folks. The "beauty" of the group aside, I don't quite understand their outfits either. What, no orange jump suits? No orange reflective vests? Who wears a mini skirt to perform community service? Even Zsa Zsa wore slacks! And who the heck has heard of a week long community service trip in the mountains? Surely that doesn't really happen -- I just don't believe it. This movie is truly stupid in just about every sense possible.