Friday, December 09, 2011

One Movie to See and Another to Skip (No. 83)

Movie to See: The Nines

This is kind of an awkward film that crushes three storylines into a single flick. All of the actors play different roles in the storylines (although they do tie together), which does make it a little confusing at times. The premise of the film is ok, which I'm not going to share, but not earth shattering. And frankly, I was so interested in the first storyline that I was kind of disappointed that they bothered with the other two at all. I would have been more pleased with the movie if they'd stuck with the first storyline (the most interesting of the three) and then revealed the crazy subplot later. Reynolds does a good job, and the rest of the cast is ok, but the film overall is just a tad weak.

Movie to Skip: Broken English

This Parker Posey vehicle has its positive elements, but overall is just a little too dramatic and 'chick-flick' for me to get into - especially since it was billed as a 'comedy'. I think the exploration into the inner-woman psyche was just lost on me as a mere man. I couldn't get into it and kept getting distracted, which means it just couldn't hold my attention. Maybe you'll fare better, but I practically skipped it anyway... Just... not that interesting.