A doctor, a factory manager and two farmers go out on a boar hunt... and did i mention that they were all french? Yeah, the synopsis really reads like a bad joke, but there are some redeeming qualities to it. So, why is this unlikely group, heading out to hunt down the largest pig I've ever heard of? To get rid of a boar that is terrorizing some of the area wildlife - the thought being that it may be sick or rabid, causing it to attack anything out in the woods. But this isn't just any pig, this is a 350 kilo boar. That's 771 lbs of snarling angry pig! Yowza!
This is an odd little monster tale, a 'nature's revenge' story where greed and over reliance on exploiting nature and technology backfire and people get hurt. So, yeah, you've probably seen this one before, but this one is pretty interesting - gross, but interesting. As a cautionary Eco-disaster tale (in the same vein as Godzilla, when you think about it), with all of the expected results. The one difference between this one and Godzilla, of course, is that this one, surprisingly is that it is actually believable. Yeah. I said it. And for that matter, I recommend it. Unfortunately, you have to read it because it's not in English.
Movie to Skip: Knife Edge

A "chilling haunted house tale" my backside! The DVD box cover lies. This one barely qualifies as a thriller and is, sadly, really predictable. It's not the worst scooby-doo-esque haunted house movie I've ever seen, but it lacks enough originality to make me really care one way or the other how it turns out. It's kind of hard to recommend a movie that you don't care to watch to the end... I did, but it was tough.