Thursday, September 01, 2011

One Movie to See and Another to Skip (No. 67)

Movie to See: Smokin' Aces 2: Assassins' Ball

This is a prequal to the 2006 Smokin' Aces.  I've never actually seen the first one, but now I feel like I really should.  This was a fun (if bloody) little romp with some great characters that were well developed under the circumstances - given the number of characters involved, and all the time dedicated to slow motion gunfire in tight spaces, it's kind of surprising that we got to know anyone.  Very much in the same vein as other bloody gangster films and kind of reminds me of what Give em' Hell Malone would have looked like if Guy Ritchie had filmed it.  Ok, that may be going a bit far, as the humor was not quite as biting as the typical Ritchie film, but this one was still fun.  The ending was probably telegraphed a tad too early, which was a little disappointing, but still a fun film.  It probably doesn't hurt that I'm a Vinnie Jones fan.
Movie to Skip: Milf

This is a "late night comedy?"  Well, I guess so, but only because there were too many (old) boobs for prime time.  And there are a lot of them.  In fact, unless you're looking for a 'boomer boobs' film, I'm not sure there is any reason to watch this one.  The plot is very 80's (reads: no plot - just lame jokes), and the "quality" of the acting is pretty low.  In fact, even the "veteran" cougars in this film come off as fairly inexperienced and ham fisted.  It was kind of like those lame Cinemax films that come on late at night; a string of actresses just out of film school (well, maybe a correspondence course in acting) that are willing to show some skin in order to star in a "film."  You know, that desperation to "make" oneself without putting in the time to make a name for oneself.  This feels similar... which feels kind of sad, in a way.  That's not a comfortable feeling for a "comedy"
As far as the "comedy" goes, I don't know that this movie qualifies for that genre as that generally requires a little humor.  This one is silly, but not funny.