Friday, August 26, 2011

One Movie to See and Another to Skip (No. 66)

Movie to See: All Good Things

Based on a real story, this movie follows the life of David and Katie Marks from the couple's courtship to her ultimate disappearance. David has money, and family ties to some dark enterprises in New York City. Katie comes from your typical middle class upbringing and is quickly caught up in the trap that money can create when leaving an abusive spouse means you won't have any.
Gosling makes a good bad guy - quiet, but scarily unpredictable. Dunst similarly is a convincing conflicted damsel in distress - you want her to do the right thing, but like real life, a combination of self-inflicted stupidity and refusal to see the writing on the wall forces her into one poor decision after another. The authenticity of the situation makes the movie interesting to watch, if not for the real-life intrigue element. That having been said, this movie will never crack anyone's top 10.

Movie to Skip: Bloody Mallory

Ever wondered what any of the Blade movies would look like if done by the cast of Cleopatra 2025? Wonder no more! And now you can even see it in French!
The long and short of this one: kind of dumb, and pretty low quality. Pretty lame and skippable.