Wednesday, September 14, 2011

One Movie to See and Another to Skip (No. 69)

Movie to See: 2010
I won't spend a lot of time on this movie because, frankly, I've spent more than enough time than I really want to with this pair of films. (This is the sequel to 2001)  While I felt this one was better than the original, this one still moves at the pace of space, for the most part.  It is just sooo, slow, but at least something appeared to be happening in this movie, and something really appeared to be at stake.  If it wasn't for the immediacy of the threat, then this one would have been a snoozer like the first.  Roy Scheider does a good job keeping this movie interesting -- his honest approach to the conflicts his character faces along the way is refreshing.  This is a sci-fi classic, which means you should probably watch it... just don't wait until too late at night to get started or you'll never make it to the end...

Movie to Skip: Sacrifice
Unfortunately, this is another dog from Cuba Gooding, Jr.  BUT at least Gooding's acting was pretty decent -- it usually is.  Unfortunately, as is often the case with his recent movies, it's the story that fails him.  This one in particular was too disjointed.  There was too much hopping from past to present without any real indication that we were making a movement, which was a tad disorienting.  And if the poor use of flashbacks wasn't bad enough, the actual plot line in this movie was just really stupid -- the priest element, in particular, was just so bad that it was funny... unintentionally.  Another B movie for our academy award winner - someone needs to get this guy a decent movie!