Secrets and lies are difficult to keep over long periods of time without them eating away at you slowly. And the
bigger those secrets, the deeper and deeper they will erode your core, hollowing you out until you are just an
emotionless ghost, an empty vessel staring up hopelessly at the sword of
Damocles as it sways ever so slightly under the strain of a rapidly
fraying rope. In this movie,
the secrets at stake are filled with such dramatic weight, that when you see these monumental
icebergs of secrecy drifting slowly towards one another, you just KNOW that the
collision is going to be terrible; years and YEARS of lies,
coupled with a dizzying array of new ones as it gets more and more difficult to keep old skeletons from bursting out
of the closet. And yet, when the time finally comes, and the dramatic tension is at its absolute height, the result is
The cast is amazing; everyone feels genuine and likeable. Yes, the
complicated twists and turns are unbelievable if you
sit down and read them on paper, but the actors in this film did a great
job of making you believe that sometimes, and
only sometimes, an absurd compilation of insanity can hover like an
impossibly dark rain cloud over a single family.
This is simply one of the best independent comedies I've seen in a
while, with fantastic execution. I don't say it often, but this one
isn't one that should be passed by lightly..
Movie to See #2: The Specials

Movie to Skip #1: Ong Bak 3: The Final Battle

Movie to Skip #2: Septem8er Tapes

Unfortunately, despite the visceral nature of the film (or perhaps because of it) the movie can be hard to follow at times. The camera work and the babbling dialogue of the characters creates a bit of a disconnect that I didn't enjoy. While these things give the movie a genuine feel, I hate having to rewind a movie because I'm missing lines. Ultimately, not my cup of tea. Close, but no cigar...