This is one of those crazy movies that I have to both strongly recommend that you see it... and also recommend that you don't. The Room is without a doubt the most horrible piece of crap movie I have ever seen in my entire life. Think of the worst movie you've seen lately, and I can almost guarantee that it will pale in comparison to this craptacular gem. The acting in the movie is so fake and so poor that you will beg your captors to let you watch more high school musicals filmed by a fidgety parent in the back of the auditorium -- always playing with the zoom feature, and inexplicably (un)focused on a member of the chorus rather than paying attention to the main action. If you watch this movie you will have an answer to that tough question: what is the worst movie you have ever seen?
But having said that, I have to admit that I still found myself enjoying watching this movie. In fact, I laughed my butt off the entire way through! While the writer/director/lead actor/producer (yeah, he did ALL of that) tries to spin the movie as an intentional "black comedy" in his self-written interview (included as a bonus feature - and a MUST watch) and dvd box description, there is no question as you watch it that he was trying to put together a serious dramatic piece. But MAN did he fail. It is terrible!
Enjoy this film for the piece of crap that it is; laugh at all of the ridiculous dialogue (very little of it will make any sense - no, really, the sentences are literally incoherent babble and make no sense whatsoever), and marvel at the stupidity that went into committing this stinker to dvd. It is truly horrible, and you might just enjoy every minute of it.