Thursday, September 16, 2010

One Movie to See and Another to Skip (No. 3)

Movie to See:

This is a great guilty-pleasure flick full of idiots and anti-heroes in a string of crazy situations.  Straight from the dvd jacket, this is a movie about the unlikely connections between a group of people that comes to a head at 11:14 p.m. in small town USA.  For most of this movie I found myself laughing my butt off while I knew I should be shocked and horrified.  What fun!  Trust me when I say that the real key to this movie is to approach it with low expectations.  I watched this movie late on a Friday night when I couldn't find anything better to watch.  I honestly expected an indy drama, but it is really closer to a dark comedy... really dark.  Good stuff.

Movie to Skip:

I really wanted to like this film, but it just fell kind of flat.  The movie is based on a silent movie with the same (or very, very similar) name, and it looks like the director simply wanted to add 'voice' to the film as a kind of experiment.  Everything else, exactly the same.  Identical costumes, makeup and that iconic silent movie over-acting with broad movements and hyper animated facial expressions to overcome the lack of sound.  While I thought it was an interesting concept, I just couldn't buy into it.  When you can hear the movie, you have to adjust... make things more subtle... or else it just comes out as a lot of squawking and lame melodrama.  For film buffs that like experimental movies, you might enjoy this.  For everyone else, you'll probably enjoy the original version a lot more.  Ironically, what might make this one better is to mute the film and click the subtitles button on your remote...