Friday, September 24, 2010

Fun on the Interwebs

This is pretty funny... if not a little late for the bandwagon.  The most humorous part is probably the flame wars and stupidity that have followed.  Why would anyone be truly be upset by a group of hot women in cosplay singing about geekdom?  I'd LOVE to see my wife play video games, quote sci-fi movies, and dress up like the Baroness!  Or Lara Croft... Or Han Solo (?!) Or Psylocke...  (But really, it would be pretty hot if my wife dressed up as the Baroness...)  When did this become a bad thing?

Anyway, this is a great parody video full of iconic references that should make every geek smile.  That people were upset is just proof positive that: (a) people are constantly looking for stupid things to complain about; (b) geeks  - a group I generally identify with - are never satisfied with the glorious gifts God graces us with; and (c) shooting from the hip and calling 'foul conspiracy' is a lot easier than looking up the facts before you start bitching. 

Watch and enjoy.  Save your nerdrage for something worth complaining about... like GW price increases, warped resin from Forge World, lame dialogue options in your favorite RPG, taxes, cops giving out speeding tickets rather than catching actual criminals, political corruption (reads: anyone currently employed by your federal, state or local government), that son-of-a-bitch in 214C down the hall who doesn't know the appropriate hour to turn his music down, commercials taking up more air time than my saturday morning cartoons, your children fighting with you about which saturday morning cartoons we're going to watch, etc.  But being mad because hot chicks want to sing about Star Wars and Stan Lee?!  There are FAR better targets for your ire, people...  When you're going to be bothered to set WOW aside long enough to pick up your pitch fork, how about going after a real problem rather than picking on beautiful women who apparently have similar interests.  (I mean seriously, this is a bad thing?!)  Go Team Unicorn!