It's a tough call to put this one up in the 'recommended' column. It has the feel of a
silly 80's vampire movie, which you either love or hate. I suspect the writer(s) and director(s) loved 80's
vampire movies growing up and took the opportunity to do one of their own - without bothering to really think
about whether or not it was a good idea to do so. If you can stomach that kind of film without gouging your
eyes out, then you'll probably feel the same way about this one. It's not a great film, probably not even a
good one, but passable if you can't find anything else on. I watched it for the sole reason that one of the
actors in this movie does a voice for the sponge bob cartoon - I'm pretty sure that's not a valid reason to pick
a movie, but whatever. Not too horrible.
Movie to Skip: Vampires: Out for Blood

What's the deal with Kevin Dillon movies? Do they all suck? Did he just have like one good one,
and then... everything else?
Examining this movie, there are a few things that pop out to make this movie a stinker: first, the
ex-wife is stupid crazy. I don't understand how Dillon's character was every with her, and the writers/directors make
no effort to show us why they ever would have been. It's kind of like starting out a movie declaring that Hugh Jackman and
Angela Landsbury were married at one point, and then never bothering how to explain how in the sam hell that occured.
Second, the whole premise of the movie is just kind of silly, and includes copious amounts of invented vampire
lore was kind of pointless - that is, it was not even necessary for the plot (if you'd call it that). Why invent
vampire lore and then not actually use that lore to carry the story forward? It just creates confusion and sets you
up for even more disappointment... as if that was possible. Overall, this movie is kind of a waste.