Thursday, April 21, 2011

News for the Masses

Watch this:
Within 5 years I predict the word "journalism" will be considered a synonym for "tabloid" or "joke" (and possibly "fuck-tard") by all reputable academic sources... if there are any left.

Seriously folks, what the hell kind of world are we living in when this is considered news worthy by the media 'powers-that-be'? And here I thought there were plenty of serious problems that needed addressing in the world rather than dressing up non-issues to display our overwhelming prejudices and abject stupidity for the world to mock.

Remember the simpler times when we used to keep the village idiot behind closed doors so that he wouldn't embarrass us in front of visitors from neighboring towns?  Not any more! Now we call them "journalists" and "psychologists" and pay them more money in a month than three honest and hardworking folks can earn, collectively, in a year while actually contributing positively to society.  It is an exercise in total intellectual dishonesty to call these news outlets anything other than "entertainment" (more and more often in the same offensive vein as hardcore bukake porn and snuff films)  and should be required to introduce each and every "show" with a disclaimer providing as such so that the actual village idiots among us know when their chains are being yanked.  We totally need to resurrect Edward R. Murrow and Walter Cronkite, infuse them with the power of the Incredible Hulk (possibly letting one of them carry Thor's hammer), and let them met out some brutal medieval justice on the mockery of what journalism has become in the United States.

For the good of the order, the producer(s)/editor(s) at each of the actual * "news" outlets that green lighted this story should be immediately deported to Tunisia or Libya or the Fukushima reactor in Japan or someplace else that actually has something news worthy going on, until they remember (or 'figure out' if no one ever bothered to tell them before hiring them as a news editor/producer) what journalism is supposed to be.  And if they can't figure it out in six months... while being on scene of an actual human tragedy... how said tragedy relates to producing "news" and how to identify what kind of "news" should  be shown on a "news" program, well, then they can fucking stay there.  We've got enough morons in country as it is, and we really need to start getting rid of some of the louder and more obnoxious ones.

* Or "purported 'news' outlets" in the case of Fox News.

Ugh. Rant over. At least we get to enjoy the Daily Show's righteous mocking of yet another exemplar of just how stupid we are becoming...