There is very little redeeming quality in this movie beyond the outstanding special effects and devil may care attitude of the characters in the script. For most movies, I would say that is not enough to carry a story, but in this case, it really was.
The A-Team is not a serious movie, but it's fun. You will see all kinds of stupid action in this film, I mean a LOT of stupid unbelievable action. One of the most absurd that comes to mind is the scene (which you can see in the trailer) where Face(man) is shooting down airplanes, while in a tank... that is parachuting from another plane that just blew up. It's silly, it's so incredibly improbable, but MAN is it a good time! And that is the entire purpose of this film. You can't take any of it too seriously, or else you're just going to hate it. But if you watch this movie for its near constant slapstick humor, and allow yourself to buy into the silly fun, you will enjoy this film. It's hard not to! If you're an action buff at all, then you will like this movie. If you liked the old television program as a kid, then this movie is just faithful enough to the original that you will enjoy this film. And if you want to see an improbable cast perform all kind of outrageous improbable tasks, then you will also enjoy this film. If you're a guy, you will enjoy this film. I recommend it to all guys.
Movie to Skip: The Gravedancers

I would consider this a Syfy channel level horror movie... and not just because that's where I happened to see it for the first time. Don't get me wrong, there is still some fun stuff that happens, but overall it's kind of bland for a horror movie. The story is very predictable, even with the twist at the end, and ultimately I didn't care about the characters. Their foibles were so overwhelming that I couldn't help but feel if the baddies didn't kill them, I would have been happy to. Generally I find more tension when I like the characters being chased/hunted/haunted.
Although it may sound as if I really disliked the movie, I wouldn't go there either. It wasn't terrible, it just wasn't great. I have seen some decent horror movies of late, so when a mediocre flick like this comes along, it's a little disappointing. If you can't find anything else to watch, this one's ok. But don't knock yourself out there trying to find it. Totally 'skip' worthy.