This was a bizarre little thriller. All of the action takes place in a non-descript room at a non-disclosed location in England where several applicants are taking an exam to be considered for an unknown position at an unknown company. And if you don't get the hint from all of that, there will be a LOT of unknowns in this film, and uncovering all of these unknowns is the point of the movie. It was a little awkward, because it's hard to understand a character's motivation if no one knows why s/he's putting her/himself through such ridiculous trials, but it kind of worked. We eventually figure it all out (ok, they tell us), but without giving anything away, I will say that while I did enjoy the mysterious aspects of the movie, I'm not entirely sure I bought into the reasoning behind it all at the end. If you don't buy the motivation for the action in the movie, then it kind of leaves you feeling a little dissatisfied at the end, which is almost how I felt here. I bought into it enough that I didn't dislike the film, but I felt the ending motivation could have used some work. Or maybe I'm just so shallow that I could not have found the purpose behind the "exam" worth all of that effort... Either way, it's an interesting flick and possibly worth your time.

Not a serious movie by any stretch of the imagination, but still fun...ish. Essentially this is the same kind of drivel that former Friends stars have been seen in time and time again. Fortunately it's still considerably better than anything I've seen Schwimmer do, but it's definitely a throw away comedy. That having been said, I don't have a problem with watching a throw away comedy every now and then. This one had a couple of fun chuckles, and even a guffaw, if I remember correctly. The Bounty Hunter will not challenge you intellectually, but it's cute (?). And that's about all there is to say about it, to be honest. If you're not into rom-coms (and I'm usually not), then you will probably want to skip it. I gave this one an extra half star because I found scenes a LOT funnier when I pictured Gerard Butler suddenly jumping up on furniture and yelling out: "THIS IS SPARTA!!"