At the heart of this film, like many good horror movies aimed at the teenage crowd, this is a cautionary tale. Teenagers are unsure of their bodies, and the only thing they really understand is that it has something to do with sex -- and most of them are not quite certain of how to wield this new found power (?) responsibly. Our heroine (?) in this film has it a little rougher than most. As the dvd box will tell you, our heroine, who happens to live in the shadow of a nuclear power plant, has... evolved. Unlike most young ladies, her... uh... genitalia have formed a protective set of sinister razor sharp teeth. Now, as the poster child of the abstinence movement (literally), one would expect she would not need such protection, but it turns out that she is literally fending off sexual assailants left and right. Without giving the story away, let me just say that there are two very important lessons for young men that watch this film: (1) No means no... if you want to keep your junk; and (2) if you think it wise to be a chauvinistic sexual predator and are actually able to convince an innocent young creature into bed with you, you'd better treat her nicely... if you want to keep your junk.
This movie was oddly disturbing, and yet somehow enjoyable despite the awkward creepiness. 'Cause at the end of the day, our heroine is certainly not evil - despite her sometimes questionable approach to problem solving, and anyone who... er... gets bit, ultimately deserves everything that comes to them. It's a weird movie, but it's still interesting and worth the watch.
Movie to Skip: Edges of Darkness

Low budget, mediocre acting, slow, amateur camera work, and a disjointed storyline with no real direction; these are all the hallmarks of a terrible movie, and that's why this one sucks too. Had the writer been able to tie in all of the disjointed elements, then this one could have been enjoyable. After all, who isn't intrigued by a movie with zombies, vampires, a mad (computer) scientist and a showdown with the anti-christ in a single film? Am I right? But unfortunately, this one fails to deliver. There a lot better ways to spend an hour and a half of your life than watching this film. If given the choice, skip this film. And if you can get away with it, pick it up off the video rental shelf and toss it into the garbage on your way out the door to spare your fellow man.