Thursday, October 28, 2010

Heinlein's Maxims

After reading Larry Miller's blog today (there is a link to it on the right), I am inspired to be a copycat... just like he asked me to.  Below are the nine maxims that science fiction writer Robert Heinlein tried to live by, and are the beliefs that we should ALL espouse if we want to improve our own lives and provide a positive influence on the society we live in. 

(1) Honesty is the best policy.
(2) Hard work is rewarded.
(3) There is no easy road to success.
(4) Courage above all.
(5) Studying hard pays off in happiness as well as money.
(6) Stand on your own two feet.
(7) Don't ever be bullied.
(8) Take your medicine.
(9) The world always has a place for a man that works, but none for a loafer.

Wouldn't the world be a better place if we all tried to live by these maxims rather than looking for another free lunch?