Friday, December 10, 2010

40k: Know Your Space Marines (No. 5): Deathstar Units

Every army has at least one Deathstar unit. The humble Space Marines actually have a couple of options, albeit of very similar makeup. "What is a Deathstar unit?" you ask. Quite simply, a Deathstar unit is a high points cost unit that can deal out a tremendous amount of damage to the enemy, but ultimately will hurt your army very badly if destroyed.

Deathstar 1: Lysander & Crew

Darnath Lysander is a beast in combat. With Eternal Warrior, you're going to have to hit him again and again before you bring him down. When you throw him into a unit of terminators with storm shields, then your enemy has to determine just which part of that threat he wants to take out first: the four wound model with S10 hits, or the four individual terminators... while getting smacked around with S10 hits. As Lysander makes them stubborn, they will not suffer negative modifiers to their leadership rolls even if they lose the combat, which means they're going to stick around for a very long time. The only problem with this unit is that it is very, very slow. To fix that problem you also need to throw in a librarian with a storm shield and the Gate of Infinity psychic power. The added threat of a force weapon going at initiative and the ability to deep strike all over the board makes this a unit the enemy just can't avoid.

Deathstar 2: Marneus Calgar & Crew

Marneus Calgar is a beast, and he is incredibly expensive to boot. As an Eternal Warrior, like Lysander, you once again are going to have a guy in the mix that the enemy will have to decide whether to go after individually, or else take out the single terminator models around him. Calgar is only S8 (with his fists), but he has more attacks and also has the option to use a power weapon against a foe that is going to hurt your terminator escorts. And once again, since this is a slow unit, throwing in a librarian with GOI is a must if you want to get this unit around the board quickly. Alternatively, you can also use Calgar as a forward element and allow the terminators to jump in with him at a later time with his teleport beacon. Either way, once they get together, this is a unit that will not break -- unless you want it to due to Calgar's special rule -- and has a LOT of heavy S8 power to throw around.

Deathstar 3: Kantor & Vanguard

Vanguard squads are cool. You can equip them with all kinds of nasty weapons, all of which can have a nasty sting. You can give them storm shields and power weapons, or power fists, or thunder hammers. Alternatively, you can give them plasma pistols and let them keep their standard chainswords to make them the ultimate counter-attack unit. With base 2 attacks, before you give them any equipment, you can easily give a unit of 10 men 30 attacks standing still, or 40 on the charge. Want to make it even more sick? When you throw in Pedro Kantor, they all get an additional attack with his special rule, allowing this squad an unholy 50 smacks on the charge. Regardless of whether you give them power weapons, or just let them keep their chainswords, that is going to hurt a LOT of enemy units. Throw in Kantor's own invulnerable save and power fist attacks, and even the chainsword crew can take out just about anything you face. Like the squads above, this unit is even nastier if you elect to throw a librarian into the mix. They can all fit into a landraider, or you can drop a couple and put them in a rhino. Or you can use GOI and the librarian to get them around. With a few well placed teleport homers early on in the game (drop pods, perhaps?), this unit can be exactly where you need it at a moment's notice. While it's always nice to have a storm shield on your librarian, you can opt for a cheaper version and Might of Ancients to give this squad a little extra punch. The only real downside to this unit is that without storm shields, they are incredibly fragile. Further, they can also get extremely expensive VERY quickly. Consider that a terminator with storm shield and thunder hammer is 40 points - each with 2 attacks. That same loadout, with a vanguard marine is 75 points! Now, he'll also have a jump pack at that cost, but WOW is that expensive -- especially when you consider that he'll only ever get a 3++ save while the terminator has a natural 2+ with his armor. That's a bummer, but this really is an incredibly nasty unit nonetheless. As an alternate to the librarian, you can maximize this unit's initial 50 attacks with a humble chaplain. His ability to re-roll misses on the charge is an awesome way to make every hit count.

Deathstar 4: Kantor & Honor Guard

If Vanguard are nasty, then honor guard are just plain obscene. Every man in the unit can have a relic blade and auxiliary grenade launcher, which means they can hit you hard (in addition to their bolter and bolt pistol shots) all the way to the point they start dishing out S6 power weapon hits. Every man in the unit has a base 2 attack if you keep the relic blade, or base three if you use the power weapons they are purchased with. Like the vanguard, that's 50 power weapon hits on the charge (or 40 S6 power weapon hits if you use relic blades). That's a LOT of nasty smacking. Artificer armor means that they have the same ability to shrug off hits as a terminator, but they do not have an invulnerable save, and they can't purchase one either. That inability to have an invulnerable save means that they will probably not last very long against the enemy death star, even though they'll chew through basic units. They do have longer reach than the vanguard with their launchers and bolters, but area also slow since they can't take jump packs. They'll need a transport, or yet another librarian in order to give them the ability to move around the board.

Deathstar 5: Lysander & Command Squad

We know Lysander is nasty, but the command squad is another nasty option to use with him. Like a vanguard squad, every man in this unit can take a storm shield and any close combat weapon except a relic blade... except the apothecary. But the apothecary does give the unit Feel No Pain, which is nothing to sneeze at. Further, you can also throw in just about any comb-weapon or special weapon you want as well. In a way, this unit really bridges the gap between Vanguard and Sternguard by giving them the ability to tap into either squad... or both squads at the same time. That is not the best way to maximize their fighting or shooting ability, but the option is there, I guess. The downside to this unit, besides an apothecary that can't seem to field anything other than his basic equipment, is that they are both expensive and you can only take five of them. The size of this squad means that it will not last over the long haul. Like all the other units, this squad can benefit from a librarian like most of the others, although they do have a more mobile option that I'll discuss below.

Deathstar 6: Kor'sarro Khan & Command Squad

As a captain, Khan can take a command squad. And command squads can take bikes. That means you can have a nasty six man unit running around the board, with storm shields, power weapons, T4(5), Feel No Pain, and the ability to Hit & Run, Turbo Boost, and hit with Furious Charge. This is an extremely fast unit that has the ability to deal out some serious damage... albeit with only five men. Although a little light as far as Deathstar units go, the cost is still pretty high, and it can be pretty scary to face. Although Khan's ability to deal out an insta-kill hit with his power weapon is a little suspect, on the charge (which Hit & Run allows him to do often) his S5 smacks should be able to harm non-monstrous creatures fairly easily almost every time.


As a jack-of-all-trades army, the Space Marines can build some pretty effective Deathstar units in some fairly creative ways. No Deathstar is foolproof, but any of these units can be fun to run every now and then. Some are definitely more fragile than others, but all of them have fangs.