Wednesday, October 05, 2011

One Movie to See and Another to Skip (No. 72)

Movie to See: Suspect Zero

For the most part this is a Se7en rip off.  To be more precise, this is really Se7en meets The Men Who Stare at Goats.  But, hey, at least it looked good and had some interesting actors.  Ultimately, while the lack of creativity was disappointing, it nearly worked.  At least... it was good enough to give the movie a viewing.
Movie to Skip: #1 Cheerleader Camp
This is basically a late night movie for college guys that are either too lazy, too stupid or too embarrassed to locate actual porn.  There is tons of nonsensical nudity and LOTS of masturbation jokes.  In short, this is essentially a dream come true for 14 year-olds everywhere.  For the rest of us - WOW can you skip this one.  My grandmother would be very disappointed with me if she knew I actually made it through this one...  I kind of am too.  Sadly, I've seen worse.  Happily, not many.