Wednesday, November 23, 2011

One Movie to See and Another to Skip (No. 78)

Movie to See: Dynamite Warrior

I'm beginning to think that I really just don't 'get' thai movies. This one has elements of your typical cheesy action movie: for instance, a bandana sporting super hero riding a home made (large) bottle rocket into battle'. But it also has a bizarre courtship in the middle - all done in the name of preserving ancient ways... Oh, and the ultimate bad guy? Well, the hero is essentially fighting against the introduction of John Deere into the local agriculture heavy economy. It's a really wierd movie, but it looks good, and has some funny (albeit quite ridiculous) fight scenes.

Movie to Skip: Deadfall Trail

Ok, I get that peyote will make you do some odd stuff, but at what point does it make you go psychotic? I mean making you go psychotic to the point of going native... but not like Native American native, but like neanderthal 'kill all the homo-sapiens' type native. I just don't get that part at all. I realize the writer(s) needed a catalyst for the "horror", but I think he/she/they could have come up with something a tad more believable.
There is interesting drama in the film, however, right up to the point where the in-fighting between the characters starts to get bloody. The excessive nature of that broken relationship just doesn't ring true, which is disappointing and kills the story quickly. The unnecessary turn probably pushes this movie into the "don't see" column.