Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One Movie to See and Another to Skip (No. 65)

Movie to See: Original Sin

This movie is an odd period piece set in turn of the century Cuba. It's kind of a mystery movie in that the film spends a great deal of time trying to unravel the characters and their motivations. And it's also kind of a heist movie in that there is lots of double-dealing and plotting going on. Oh, and it's also jam-packed with copious amounts of 'just over the R-bar sex' with plenty of Jolie and Banderas for everyone -- if that's what you're looking for in a kind-of-thriller.
I won't go so far as to say that this is a good movie, but it certainly isn't a terrible movie either. The plot is kind of tired, and the execution feels a little heavy handed at times (not to mention the eyebrow raising reasoning behind everyone's actions), but it is forgivable if you're a Banderas or Jolie fan. In short, this movie is ok when there is nothing else on. But don't run out to rent it.

Movie to Skip: Gor

Have you ever thought to yourself "What was Jack Palance ever in other than those stupid City Slickers movies when he wasn't hosting Ripley's Beleive it or Not?" Well, if you've ever wondered, then Gor is the answer... sadly. But beyond the appearance of one-arm push-up pumping senior citizens, there isn't much else that this film has to offer. Well except for Vosloo, with hair! And let me just say... that is a disturbing sight...
I didn't know this going into it, but apparently Gor is a kind of subcultural phenomenon. That is, a subcultural phenomenon that denegrates women (they're slaves, of course) and advocates violence as the most sincere form of negotiation and the proper way to rule any and all people. This really isn't a good movie - and frankly a rather worriesome commentary on society. In fact, it's kind of awful. If you want to look this one up on Netflix to see Palance and Vosloo, well, it's ok for that reason, but feel free to use the fast forward buttons for the cheap chuckle. This one is a dog.