Wednesday, April 13, 2011

One Movie to See and Another to Skip (No. 41)

Movie to See: La Femme Nikita

I'm a big fan of Luc Besson's work, and this is one of his classic films. Other Besson films you probably know are Leon: The Professional, The Fifth Element, the Transporter films, Taken, and many others. He always manages to come up with fantastic stories, and this one is no different. There is a real difference between a "movie" and a "film". A movie will entertain you for a couple of hours, and then you'll forget all about it. A film sticks with you and approaches the elusive "art" of the cinema. Nikita, like most of Besson's movies, is art. 
One thing that that strikes you right away about this film is that you've seen the story before: a convicted felon is turned into a super spy in order to escape prosecution. It's a common theme (going all the way back to The Dirty Dozen -- hell, Spartacus if you want to push the theme a bit), but you have to keep in mind that this movie is twenty years old! There have been LOTS of movies made with that theme since then! This one, however, has passion and grit that is missing from the impersonators. This is a solid film... even if it is in French. 
 Nikita is a classic. You should watch it. 

Movie to Skip: Transylmania
A throw away spoof movie if there ever was one, but I've definitely seen worse. It's better than the later entries in the Scary Movie franchise, but that's really not saying a whole lot. It's also better than Stan Helsing, which is also not saying much, although Jennifer Lyons is no Doira Baird in the 'sream queen' department. Lyons does an admirable job with the light-switch personality (ditzy one moment, menacing the next) and was generally pretty funny, as are most members of the cast, but the story was complete crap. I guess I suspected that much before I watched it, but I'm always hoping for a surprise gem. I don't think this was it. If you're looking for a waste of time with the typically suggestive pseudo-horror theme then maybe this one's for you. Otherwise, totally skipable.