- Sexy femme fatale
- A whole band of sexy femmes fatale
- A whole band of crazy sexy femmes fatale
- A whole band of crazy sexy femmes fatale wearing anime-inspired ninja suits (do I really need to go any further along this path...)
- Over-stylized retro setting
- Guns, swords, knives and other hurty objects
- Nazi's, were-beasts, mutants, zombies, and other monsters
- Vietnam era helicopters and bombers fighting WW I planes, bombers and zeplins
- Dragons
- Monstrous robot samaurai
- Other killer robots with crazy vulcan cannon arms
- Pyscho killer combat in an anachronistic trench warfare setting
Can anyone give me two good reasons as to how this movie won't be a smash hit on the visuals alone? This one's got so much eye candy that you'll have to watch it a dozen times just to figure out what the hell is going on! I don't care if the script sucks for this one or not (and I don't know that it will), but I think Sucker Punch has got "guilty pleasure" written all over it. Now I'll just need to find a nice empty spot in my movie cabinet...
Enjoy the trailer: