Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Movie Marines in 5th Edition

(Adapted and reformatted, without permission, from Mkerr's original 2009 article at the Bell of Lost Souls. The substance of the article remains as only terminology and cosmetic changes have been made. I have also 'snipped' some unnecessary language.)

In January of 2005, White Dwarf published a spectacular 300th issue that included an over-the-top army list called "Space Marines in the Movies". These unofficial rules were designed to represent our favorite Space Marines as action movie heroes. It was a tongue-in-cheek article, but I don't think it would take a lot of work to make this a playable army list (Note: I'm revising my "not a lot of work" comment, lol -- Mkerr from 24 hours in the future).

The army list represents a single Tactical Marine squad fighting off a much larger foe. The army list is designed for 1,500 point games, but you can build armies up to around 1,900 points. If you try the army list at fewer or more than 1,500 points, let me know how it worked.


1 SPACE MARINE SERGEANT..........................................200 Points
"The movie army is led by a tough, grizzled Veteran Sergeant, leading in a resolute and uncompromising fashion. He is also a lethal man in a fight and more than eager to give Johnny Xenos a sound thrashing."

   WS BS S  T  W  I  A  Ld  Sv
 Sergeant      8   7  6  6   3  6   4  10   3+

Composition:        Wargear:Special Rules:
* 1 Unique* Bolt pistol * Force of One

* Chainsword          * Listen Up, Maggots
Unit Type:* Bolter* Fleet
* Infantry* Frag and krak grenades   * Move Through Cover

* Auto-senses* Combat Tactics

* Power armor   * Stubborn

The Sergeant may replace chainsword with a power fist for +50 points.
The Sergeant may replace bolt pistol with a plasma pistol for +50 points.

Listen Up, Maggots: The Sergeant often finds himself as the last surviving leader in the chain of command. He maintains discipline with constant vigilance and a sharp tongue. All Space Marines with line of sight to the Sergeant may re-roll failed Morale check and Pinning tests.

Note: All Movie Marine armies are led by a single Sergeant. That's what the "1" in the "1 Space Marine Sergeant" means.


0-1 SPACE MARINE VETERAN  ........................................150 Points

"The Veteran is the Sergeant's right hand man.  As the most experienced member of the unit after the Sergeant, the Veteran is the de facto Squad Leader of the second element when the unit breaks into Combat Squads."

   WS BS S  T  W  I  A  Ld  Sv
 Veteran      7   6  6  6   2  6   4    9   3+

Composition:        Wargear:Special Rules:
* 1 Unique* Bolter * Force of One

* Frag and krak grenades          * Second in Command
Unit Type:* Auto-senses* Fleet
* Infantry* Power armor   * Move Through Cover

* Combat Tactics

* Stubborn

The Veteran may be equipped with Special Issue Ammunition for +50 points.

Second in Command: The Veteran is the nominal leader of "Element 2" but will lead the entire unit if the Sergeant falls in battle. If the Sergeant has been removed as a casualty, all Space Marines within 12" of the Veteran may re-roll failed Morale check and Pinning tests.

Special Issue Ammunition: If equipped with Special Issue Ammunition, any wounds caused by the Veteran's bolter ignore both cover and Invulnerable saves.


Note: Instead of 0-6 Space Marines, from the original article, the Troops section has been divided into two "Elements", which better fits the background of Space Marines and their Combat Squad rules. A Movie Marine army list must include one of each of the below Elements.

1 SPACE MARINE COMBAT SQUAD: Element 1...................100 Points per Space Marine

"This listing represents typical Space Marines -- if you call 7' tall, genetically engineered, psychologically conditioned killing machines that digest poison, spit acid, and can survive in a vacuum 'typical.' Would you want to tangle with them?"

   WS BS S  T  W  I  A  Ld  Sv
 Space Marine       5    5  6  6   2  5   3  9  3+

Composition:        Wargear:Special Rules:
* 1-4 Marines* Bolter * Force of One

* Frag and krak grenades          * Do You Want Some of This?
Unit Type:* Auto-senses* Fleet
* Infantry* Power armor   * Move Through Cover

* Combat Tactics

* Stubborn

One Space Marine (in Element 1) may replace his bolter with:
-  a flamer for +70 points
-  a meltagun for +80 points
-  a plasma gun for +100 points

1 SPACE MARINE  COMBAT SQUAD: Element 2.................100 Points per Space Marine

Element 2 is usually equipped with a heavy weapon and deals with hard targets, while Element 1 contains the command and assault elements of the unit.

   WS BS S  T  W  I  A  Ld  Sv
 Space Marine       5    5  6  6  2  5   3  9  3+

Composition:        Wargear:Special Rules:
* 1-4 Marines* Bolter * Force of One

* Frag and krak grenades          * Do You Want Some of This?
Unit Type:* Auto-senses* Fleet
* Infantry* Power armor   * Move Through Cover

* Combat Tactics

* Stubborn

One Space Marine (in Element 2) may replace his bolter with:
-  a heavy bolter for +100 points
-  a missile launcher for +120 points
-  a lascannon for +150 points


Note: A Movie Marine army may only take a single heavy support choice.

0-1 RHINO..........................................130 Points


 Rhino                   13   12   11    5

Composition:        Wargear:Special Rules:
* 1 Rhino* Storm bolter * Repair

* Smoke launchers         
Unit Type:* SearchlightTransport Capacity:
* Vehicle (Tank)* Assault vehicleTen Models

A Space Marine Rhino may purchase extra armor for +50 points.

Special Rules:
Instead of shooting its storm bolter, a Rhino may automatically repair an Immobilized result.

0-1 RAZORBACK..........................................200 Points


 Rhino                   13   12   11    5

Composition:        Wargear:
* 1 Rhino* Twin linked heavy bolters

* Smoke launchers         
Unit Type:* SearchlightTransport Capacity:
* Vehicle (Tank)* Assault vehicleSix Models

A Space Marine Razorback may replace its twin-linked heavy bolter with a twin-linked lascannon for +100 points.

A Space Marine Razorback may purchase extra armor for + 50 points.


Force of One: Space Marines generally work in squads, but individual models may move out of unit coherency and may operate independently. The concept of unit is fluid to the battle-hardened Space Marine. As long as a Space Marine is within 4" of another Space Marine they are considered to be part of the same unit. Additionally, multiple Space Marine units can ride in the same transport, embarking and disembarking independently.

Note: Use the Force Organization chart to determine kill points for Annihilation missions. Each unit counts as two kill points and the entire unit must be removed to gain the points. For example, a Movie Marine army with a Sergeant, a Veteran, two Elements and a Rhino count as 10 kill points.

Do You Want Some of This?: If a Space Marine is removed because of the No Retreat rule, then he will go crazy ape bonkers as he gets dragged down. He can fire either a bolter or bolt pistol at his enemies (make the attacks normally) or pull the pin on a Frag grenade (center the blast over the model) in an effort to take his foes with him.

Auto-senses: Space Marines count as being equipped with an auspex and may re-roll the dice when determining sighting distance for Night Fight.

Power Armor: Models in power armor may re-roll unsuccessful armor saves. Additionally, models in power armor gain a 4+ Invulnerable save.

Chainsword: A Chainsword is a power weapon that allows the wielder to re-roll any failed roll to wound. Additionally, all close combat attacks gain the Rending quality.

Power Fist: A Power Fist is a Strength 10 two-handed power weapon that is difficult and cumbersome to use, so attacks with a Power Fist are always delivered at Initiative 4. Additionally, a Power Fist rolls +3D6 (rather than +D6) for armor penetration.

Frag Grenades: Models armed with Frag grenades count as being equipped with assault and defensive grenades. Frag grenades can be used as a ranged weapon with the below profile. When used as a ranged weapon, Frag grenades ignore cover saves.

Krak Grenades: In addition to being used against a vehicle as normal grenades, Krak grenades can be used as a ranged weapon with the below profile. Krak grenades roll +2D6 (rather than +D6) for armor penetration.

Bolt Pistol24"64Assault 3, Rending
Bolter36"64Assault 4, Rending
Plasma Pistol24"92Assault 3, Gets Hot!
Frag Grenades6"54Assault 1, Large Blast
Krak Grenades6"83Assault 1, Blast
Flamer24"X4Assault 1, Pinning
Meltagun24"101Assault 1, Melta
Plasma Gun36"92Assault 4,Gets Hot!
Heavy Bolter48"73Heavy 10, Rending
Missile Launcher60"***
Lascannon60"101Heavy 1, Lance

Flamer: Select a target. If the target is in range, then every model in the target unit is automatically hit by the flamer (i.e., do not roll to hit and do not use the flamer template). Roll a D6 for each model. The flamer wounds on a 4+. Multi-wound models wounded by the flamer are covered with flaming promethium and must immediately make another save. If this save is passed, then the model puts out the flames. If the save is failed, the model takes another wound and must immediately make another save. This continues until the multi-wound model passes a save or is removed as a casualty.

Meltagun: A Space Marine meltagun within 24" rolls +2D6 (rather than +D6) for armor penetration. A Space Marine meltagun at half range or less rolls +3D6 (rather than +2D6) for armor penetration.

Heavy Bolter: A Space Marine heavy bolter that rolls four or more 1s to hit jams. The shots are resolved normally but do not gain the benefit of the Rending special rule. The heavy bolter acts normally in the next shooting phase. Vehicle mounted heavy bolters never jam.

Missile Launcher: A Space Marine missile launcher may fire either Frag or Krak missiles using the below profile. The firer may use any combination of Frag and Krak missiles when the weapon is fired.

Frag Missile60"54Heavy 3, 7" Blast
Krak Missile60"83Heavy 3, Large Blast, Barrage

Lascannon: Draw a 60" line from the Lascannon. Line of sight is not required and terrain is ignored. Roll to hit the closest unit. If the shot misses, the beam goes wild and no more hits are generated. If it hits, then roll to wound normally and move to the next closest unit touched by the line and roll to hit. Continue along the line until the lascannon misses or all units have been hit. Wounds are allocated normally against the unit (i.e., you can't snipe models with a Lascannon shot).


Smoke Launchers: Space Marine smoke launchers follow the normal Warhammer 40,000 rules but may be used in every Space Marine Movement phase.

Searchlight: A vehicle equipped with a Space Marine searchlight ignores Night Fight rules.

Assault Vehicle: Disembarking Space Marines may assault.

Extra Armor: A vehicle with Space Marine extra armor ignores Stunned and Shaken results.